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Free Invoice Solution

Mastering Invoicing: Esemie’s Free Invoice Generator And Creation Tool

Group Blog

Henrietta Osuizugbe

Group Blog

28 June 2024

2 minutes Read

Running a business is demanding, and managing invoices can often feel overwhelming. Imagine juggling client deadlines and ensuring payments are processed on time—it’s a lot to handle.

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Group Blog
Online Sales

4 Hacks to Increase Your Online Sales

Group Blog

Henrietta Osuizugbe

Group Blog

26 July 2024

2 minutes Read

There are a million and one ways to make huge sales online, but we have taken time to curate these four amazing hacks that will inevitably increase your sales online.

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Small business finance

Top 5 Financial Mistakes Small Businesses Must Avoid

Group Blog

Henrietta Osuizugbe

Group Blog

21 August 2024

2 minutes Read

Research by the Bureau of Labor Statistics found that more than 20% of small enterprises fail in the first year, and nearly 50% of small startups fail within the first five years.

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